Sunday, May 27, 2012

James Baldwin, The Artist's Struggle for Integrity, Miles Davis In Sweden

Show description for Sunday 5/27/2012 @ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

This week, on the 5 o'clock hour, a scarce recording of essayist, novelist, activist, James Baldwin, from 1963, The Struggle.
Also, at 4 o'clock, in honor of Miles Davis, born May 26, 1926, we will listen to a lengthy excerpt from a concert broadcast in Sweden, 1971.
This afternoon's broadcast is dedicated to the memory of Gil Scott-Heron, poet.

Art Farmer & His OrchestraWood'yn You The Aztec SuiteUnited Artists
Art Farmer & His OrchestraDrume NegritaThe Aztec SuiteUnited Artists
Art Farmer & His OrchestraAlone TogetherThe Aztec SuiteUnited Artists
Edward BrathwaiteThe CabinRights Of PassageArgo (U.K.)
Sonny RollinsWhat Is There To Say?Sonny's TimeJazzland
Sonny RollinsCutieSonny's TimeJazzland
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Al Cohn & Zoot SimsMotoring AlongMotoring AlongSonet
Tommy FlanaganOff MinorThelonicaEnja
Kenny Drew / Niels-Henning Orsted PedersonMy Little Suede ShoesDuo Live In ConcertSteepleChase
Audre LordeFrom The House Of YemanjeA Sign / I Was Not Alone Out & Out Books
Mal WaldronSnake OutMingus LivesEnja
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Miles DavisWhat I SayMiles Davis In Sweden 1971MD
Miles DavisSanctuaryMiles Davis In Sweden 1971MD
Miles DavisFunky TonkMiles Davis In Sweden 1971MD
Miles DavisThe EndMiles Davis In Sweden 1971MD
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John McLaughlinBlue In GreenMy Goals BeyondDouglas
Claude McKaySt. Issac's Church, LeningradAnthology Of Negro PoetsFolkways
Sonny Rollins My Old Flame Sonny's TimeJazzland
Anita O'DayAnita's BluesAn Evening With Anita O'DayNorgran Records
Ella FitzgeraldBewitchedThe Rodgers & Hart Song BookVerve
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James BaldwinThe Artist's Struggle for Integrity, Part OneThe StruggleBuddha Records
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James BaldwinThe Artist's Struggle for Integrity, Part TwoThe StruggleBuddha Records
Jackie McLeanCancellationIt's Time!Blue Note
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Jacqueline DuPre & Daniel BarenboimSonata In F Major, Op.99, Adagio affecttuosoBrahms: The Two Sonatas for Cello & PianoAngel

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Alejandro Muguia on Arizona & Latin America. Malcolm X on Islam, Non-violence

Show description for Sunday 5/20/2012 @ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

This week, on the 5 o'clock hour, we are joined by one of the great writers of our times, a transformational figure in the development American literature over the last 40 years, Alejandro Murguia.
Also, at 4 o'clock, Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965), in an excerpt from his last recorded speech. 

“People who live in California deny the past,” asserts Alejandro Murguía. In a state where “what matters is keeping up with the current trends, fads, or latest computer gizmo,” no one has “the time, energy, or desire to reflect on what happened last week, much less what happened ten years ago, or a hundred.” From this oblivion of memory, he continues, comes a false sense of history . . .


Amiri BarakaDopeBefore Columbus Foundation PoetsFolkways

Kenneth PatchenNice Day For A LynchingKenneth Patchen Reads His PoetryFolkways

Miles Davis QuintetTune UpCookin'Prestige

Miles Davis QuintetWhen Lights Are LowCookin'Prestige

Tadd Dameron With John ColtraneOn A Misty NightMating CallPrestige
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Jayne CortezFor The PoetsBefore Columbus Foundation PoetsFolkways

Tadd Dameron OrchestraOn A Misty NightThe Magic TouchRiverside

Tadd Dameron OrchestraFountainbleauThe Magic TouchRiverside

Cyn ZarcoFlipochinos, Being Your Woman, Pacific LoverBefore Columbus Foundation PoetsFolkways

Abbey LincolnI Am In LoveIt's MagicRiverside

Abbey LincolnIt's MagicIt's MagicRiverside
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Malcolm X Last Recorded Speech (excerpt)Private RecordingPrivate Recording

Steve Lacy Uh Uh UhDreamsSaravah

Robin KenyattaBlues For Your MamaGirl From MartiniqueECM

Kenneth Patchen The Lions Of Fire Shall Have Their HuntingKenneth Patchen Reads His PoetryFolkways

Mal Waldron Mingus LivesMingus LivesEnja
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Victor Hernandez CruzArtist/Art, Anonymous SonnetBefore Columbus Foundation PoetsFolkways

Kenny Drew & Niels-Henning Orsted PedersonMy Little Suede ShoesDuo Live In ConcertSteepleChase

AluristaBoringuenBefore Columbus Foundation PoetsFolkways
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Charles McPhersonDee Blues (excerpt)New HorizonsXanadu

Interview With Alejandro Murguia By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Alejandro Murguia By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Alejandro Murguia By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Alejandro Murguia By Justin Desmangles
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Ralph TownerNardisSolo ConcertECM

Bill EvansNardisExplorationsRiverside
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Walt Dickerson & Sun RaUtopiaVisionsSteepleChase

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Robin D.G. Kelley talks about his new book, Africa Speaks,America Answers:Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times.

Show description for Sunday 5/6/2012 @ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Please note, program begins at 3:30, due to pre-emption by KDVS Sports.

This week, on the 5 o'clock hour, Robin D.G. Kelley returns to New Day Jazz to discuss his most recent book,

Africa Speaks, America Answers:Modern Jazz in Revolutionary

 Also joining us this afternoon, composer, musician, and organizer of the annual In The Flow Festival, Ross Hammond.

Randy WestonCon AlmaAfrican NightInner City
Norman PritchardGyre's GalaxNew Jazz PoetsBroadside
Andrew HillBlack FireBlack FireBlue Note
Ron CarterSaucer EyesWhere?New Jazz
Jayne Cortez & Richard DavisWelcomeCelebrations & SolitudesStrata-East
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Jackie McLeanMessage From TraneDemons DanceBlue Note
Interview With Ross Hammond By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Ross Hammond By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Ross Hammond By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Ross Hammond By Justin Desmangles
Jackie McLeanIsle Of JavaJackie's BagBlue Note
Gigi GryceNica's TempoGigi Gryce QuartetSavoy
Randy WestonWell, You Needn'tHow High The MoonBiograph
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Randy WestonAfrican CookbookAfrican CookbookAtlantic
Interview With Robin D.G. Kelley By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Robin D.G. Kelley By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Robin D.G. Kelley By Justin DesmanglesInterview With Robin D.G. Kelley By Justin Desmangles
Randy WestonTribute To Duke EllingtonCarnivalArista