Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Your Mama Reads Joyce

Your Mama Reads Joyce

Your Mama reads James Joyce
Makes up words on her own
Talks shop with washerwomen
Sopping shorts in Finnegans Wake

Your Mama reads Garcia Lorca
Spits olive pits at the moon
Plants seeds away from the sun
Replaces the small hand with a scar

Your Mama reads Andre Breton
Loads the grey haired revolver
Pulls ice from the teeth of Okapi clouds
Lifts periods from menopausal bulldaggers

Your Mama reads Gunter Grass
Cuts feet on nights broken glass
Stuffs handbills into statues of Marx
Blesses Black Forest trees with ice wine

Your Mama reads Richard Wright
Stokes fires of black reds in heat
Spills being on Hegel & C.L.R. James
Knocks back vin rouge with Bud Powell in Paris
Traces bitter geography with a blunt sword

Your Mama reads Ishmael Reed
Inventor of papyrus, a printers devil
Truculent pugilist of unsung infamy
Long song of blackness at the end of the tunnel

Your Mama reads I. Reed
reads Wright
reads Grass
reads Breton
reads the duende of a new moon
She even reads Joyce,
and whats more she finishes the book!

Now, whats wrong with yuh?

Justin Desmangles

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