Monday, December 8, 2008

David Meltzer : Checklist of publications

DAVID MELTZER: Checklist of publications


The Clown [Semina, 1960].
The Process [Oyez, l965].
The Dark Continent [Oyez, 1967].
Round the Poem Box [Black Sparrow Press, l969].
Yesod [Trigram, l969].
Luna [Black Sparrow Press, 1970].
Tens, Selected Poems, edited by Kenneth Rexroth [McGraw-Hill, l973].
Hero/Lil [Black Sparrow Press, 1973].
The Art, The Veil [Membrane Press, 1981].
The Name: Selected Poetry, 1973-1983 [Black Sparrow Press, 1984].
Arrows: Selected Poetry, 1957-1992 [Black Sparrow Press, 1994].
No Eyes: Lester Young [Black Sparrow, 2000].
Beat Thing [La Alameda Press, 2004].
David’s Copy: Selected Poems; edited by Michael Rothenberg [Penguin, 2005].
Angelize [Word Temple, 2008].


The Agency Trilogy [Brandon House, l968; reprinted by Richard Kasak, 1994].
Orf [Brandon House, l969; reprinted by Masquerade Books, l995].
The Martyr [Brandon House, 1969].
Under [Rhinoceros Books, 1997].


We All Have Something To Say To Each Other: Kenneth Patchen [Auerhan Press, 1962].
Two-Way Mirror: A Poetry Notebook [Oyez, 1977].


The San Francisco Poets [Ballantine Books, 1971].
The Secret Garden: An Anthology in the Kabbalah [Continuum Press, 1976; reprinted, Station Hill Press, 1998].
Birth: Anthology of Ancients Texts, Songs, Prayers, and Stories [North Point Press, 1981].
Death: Anthology of Texts, Songs, Charms, Prayers, and Tales [North Point Press, 1984].
Reading Jazz [Mercury House, 1996].
Writing Jazz [Mercury House, 1999].
San Francisco Beat: Talking With the Poets [City Lights, 2001].


Serpent Power (Vanguard Records, l968; reissued on CD in 1996).
Poet Song (Vanguard Records, l969).
Green Morning (Capitol Records, 1970, unreleased; issued on vinyl from a Swiss company in 1999; CD, 2001).
Serpent Power/Poet Song (Italy, 2000).
David Meltzer: 1958; Jazz and Poetry (Sierra Records, 2005).
Serpent Power at KPFA (Locust Music, 2007).

Recipient of 2006 PEN Oakland/Jospehine Miles award for BEAT THING.


Raised up in Brooklyn during the War years; performed on radio & early TV on the Horn & Hardart Children’s Hour. Was exiled to L.A. at 16 & at 17 enrolled in an ongoing academy w/ artists Wallace Berman, George Herms, Robert Alexander, Cameron; migrated to San Francisco in l957 for higher education w/ peers & maestros like Jack Spicer, Robert Duncan, Joanne Kyger, Diane DiPrima, Michael McClure, Lew Welch, Philip Whalen, Jack Hirschman, a cast of thousands all living extraordinary ordinary lives. Lists suck in their exclusionary momemtary temerity of blank.

BEAT THING [La Alameda Press, 2004] won the Josephine Miles PEN Award, 2005. Was editor and interviewer for SAN FRANCISCO BEAT: TALKING WITH THE POETS [City Lights, 2001]. Teach in the graduate Poetics program at New College of California, as well as in their outstanding undergraduate Humanities program. With Steve Dickison, co-edit SHUFFLE BOIL, a magazine devoted to music in all its appearances & disappearences. DAVID'S COPY, selected poems, published in 2005 by Viking/Penguin. DAVID MELTZER: Poetry W/ Jazz, 1958 recently (finally) issued by Sierra Records.


Also taught in the MA program in Creative Writing at S.F. State; conducted weekly workshops for four years at Vacaville State Prison; spent a year teaching at Urban Scool in San Francisco; recipient of an NEA grant for writing (mid ‘70s, am lousy w/ dates) --

Edited TREE, an irregular journal devoted to the Kabbalah as reflected in both modern & classical texts; was publisher & editor for Tree Books which published, among other titles, ELYA by Jabes (his first book to be published in U.S.), Malka Heifetz Tussman’s poetry translated by Marcia Falk, Rose Drachler, Jerome Rothenberg, Jack Hirschman, Andrei Codrescu, Nathaniel Tarn, &tc.

Have given readings in small & large venues, festivals, too numerous to recount or remember exact details; my works have been anthologized -- I suppose the most signifant appearence was in the Don Allen anthology, THE NEW AMERICAN POETRY; I felt most affirmed when a poem of mine was published in the weekly Yiddish FORWARD --

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